So you say you've been icing your adversaries, because you're the man when it comes to Xbox NHL 10.} You're a hardcore player who likes the thrill of sports video game battles. You understand how to brawl amongst the best of them, and at the moment you think you are all set to display to the video game world that when it comes to Xbox NHL 10, you skate to conquest each and every instance So slide on down and clash for cash with the best of the video game world. Wagering each other in sports video games for cash -- these players aren't screwing around. To display your unquestioned status in sports video games, garnering up a string of victories, along with your opponent's cash, is the path to declaring your impressiveness.} Not that playing Xbox sports video games isn't great… but when you play for money, it's a lot more awesome. The missing piece of the puzzle that every video game player has been wanting for some time is here.} No matter how much smack talk your buds lay down, you get to call their bluff - when betting real cash is on the line, now it's time for them to put up or shut up.} Given that there's a high level of "dude" going on here, you're probably dying to fight the top players at Xbox NHL 10.} Obviously, you solely wish for to activate the video game console, pull on your skates, head to the arena and partake in the contest.} Who in hell wouldn't? Just remember that in order to emerge the victor, it will require more than just overconfidence.} Make sure you know what you're doing out there… make sure your trash talk doesn't exceed your abilities. Or, in simpler terms: know the game. Don't be the dumbass who goes off half-cocked, doesn't know what he's doing, and makes an ass of himself. Playing sports video games for money is a lot different than trying to get some babes at a bar, where half-hearted techniques might seem acceptable to you.} So see to it that you only start up a game once you have all the strategies down pat. If you don't, and your rival does, well, there's nothing colder than being the one to lose the wager. There's no reason not to exploit your Xbox NHL 10 proficiency into a big payoff, as soon as you're certain you can't be outplayed. See if there are any worthy (or even not-so-worthy) opponents, and start inviting them to face off in the rink.} Start calling out the potential foe, if you think he's getting cold feet about being iced on the rink. If there's one thing about the hardcore gamers, they don't walk away from a challenge. But in the end, we're sure you'll talk some trash, play your match, and win some cash.
Not that the video game world is surprised, given the popularity of EA's NHL series, but Xbox NHL 10 takes things to new heights. If you thought NHL 09's graphics were more vibrant and incredible than anything you've seen, think again. And the animation is even more fluid. The game play itself is faithful to its predecessor, NHL 09, which will no doubt make longtime fans happy, but at the same time, NHL 10 has some new features that will give everyone something to be stoked about. A new addition that's sure to be a favorite of hardcore gamers is the post-whistle action, which, as you can probably figure out, lets gamers have it out after the whistle is blown. Getting to the heart of the matter, this is where you have a quick shot to get in a few cheap shots, as well as a check or two - and this gets things set up for a much-desired clash. Thanks to the most advanced gaming technology, it won't be long before your cohorts race out onto the ice and back you up in the fight.} As one may perhaps demand from the activity known for its battling, those clashes more often than not sink into a total riot. Of course, giving the game even more flavor is the Xbox NHL 10 soundtrack.} Sports video games just need the soundtrack in order to take things to the next level, and luckily, Xbox NHL 10 gives the hardcore gamers what they want. Check out these songs:} "Young Cardinals" by Alexisonfire, "Deathsmarch" by Cancer Bats, "Hellions on Parade" by CKY, "Golden Years" by Disco Ensemble, "Heroes of Our Time" by Dragonforce, "Anything 'Cept the Truth" by Eagles of Death Metal, "Oye Vaya" by Earl Greyhound, "Know Your Enemy" by Green Day, "Peace Sells" by Megadeth, "Wake Up! Wake Up!" by MeTalkPretty, "Keys to the City" from Ministry & Co-Conspirators, "Kids in America" by MxPx, Nickelback's "Burn It to the Ground," Papa Roach's "Into the Light," "Raccoon Eyes" by Priestess, "The Bravest Kids" from Rancid, Scorpions' rock anthem "Rock You Like a Hurricane," and "Fire It Up" by Thousand Foot Krutch. Listening to the material imparts an bonus component to the entire sensation - you will maintain you're down on the ice, involving yourself in the indisputableWith the soundtrack, you're not just playing the game, you're living it - it feels like you're playing in a real live NHL game. And just when you think NHL 10 is as realistic as it gets, another feature, the intimidation tactics, make it even more of the real deal than you could ever imagine.} You really want to excite the audience, then start giving your rival a tough time and get in his face on the rink. And the spectators in the crowd in Xbox NHL 10 aren't just there for show. They are an lively ingredient of the battle - when a thing ensues, they act in response.} Just as any group of spectators, this crowd goes nuts when their team performs well, and gets pissed when their team performs poorly. So you get the option to get the viewers getting up and shouting approval for you - given that you execute several unbelievable plays, naturally.
Perhaps we're being a bit too judgmental in this case, but here's another concept to keep in mind.} After getting a good look at Xbox NHL 10, take a gander at the junk your parents were calling a sports video game, way back when.} This was before the revolution that gave us 8-bit and then 16-bit games - 4K was as good as it got. And this was what people saved up their cash and purchased in the early 1980s, if they wanted to play a sports video game - these gamers did not have it easy:} No, your eyesight isn't faltering – sports video games not only once looked like this, they were considered quality.} All you had were four men on the non-scrolling rink. A player and his goalie. You certainly couldn't select your favorite team. But here's something you're not going to believe.} This game was considered one, if not the, best sports video games available, upon its release.} Back then, gaming marathons consisted of this and this alone.} This simple, lumpy material was, in 1982, a home video game that had individuals truly in wonderment of the graphics and animation. Now take a look of what you get to partake in now, in comparison to the aforesaid "old school" game, however possibly this isn't a evenhanded contest.}
As far as we're concerned, your father or grandfather or great grandfather or whomever was playing this material was existing in the video game Stone Age period .} Despite the great strides that the 8-bit gaming brought to the video game world, even that can't compete with today's unbelievable Xbox NHL video game. If you're still not convinced, get a good look at this "oldie but a moldy": at least you can choose from six different teams. And to think that the video game world was certain that the future of gaming had arrived with this one:
If you're not for the time being unable to use your eyes as a result of gazing at that one, get another gander at what NHL 10 game has to provide, and again be thankful for modern-day video game technology. Doubly once you consider all the qualities impossible in the sports video games of yesteryear.} There was no Battle for the Cup, no Playoff Mode, no Season Mode, no Be a GM or Be a Tough Guy. And if you were hoping for online gaming in those days? Well, you'd have to wait a long time until your fantasies became a reality.} Not much you could do but be satisfied with your limited graphics and game play. Xbox NHL 10, on the other hand, is a whole new chapter in sports video games. That is why nobody has got to be too astonished that the reviews are each and every one extremely stimulated, labeling this game one of the paramount sports video games to ever be available.} You'll be on board with the reviewers as soon as you see the game for yourself - the players' movements are so spot-on that you'll think you're watching an actual NHL game. Much credit has to be given to EA, who set the bar even higher for sports video games with their latest entry.} The players' facial expressions alone are amazing - they've got more life and attitude than the cast members of your girlfriend's favorite daytime dramas. And let's not forget the fight scenes, and their incredible first-person perspective.} It's not unlike you're genuinely gandering at a pair of fists thumping the tar out of you, but lacking the discolorations, blood and probable injuries.}
Gary Thorne and Bill Clement are there to present their customary, bizarrely accurate commentary, just like in NHL 09. Getting this duo is another selling point for NHL 10.} Consider the credentials of these two.} To begin with there's "Clement, Clement, Hand of Cement," Bill Clement, well-received NHL All-Star, and participant of the ESPN family.} And Clement's cohort Gary Thorne, another one from the ESPN team, is a pretty impressive sports figure in his own right.} You won't believe your ears after catching Clement and Thorne's remarks about the game.} The level of realism in Xbox NHL 10 is so high, you'll think you've got the ESPN duo sitting right next to you in your home. Video game fans will be pleased with another one of Xbox NHL 10's new features, precision passing. Now, players can really take control of the speed of the puck, a feature absent in prior NHL games. If that wasn't enough, you have the ability to bank your passes off of the board, based on your aim and strength.}
Hardcore gamers can, for the first time, battle on the boards, as Xbox NHL 10 presents still more upgrades that will excite the video game world. That is correct sir - you can now thwart your opponent from snagging the puck by kick-passing it to a teammate, in those instances where you have the puck but are pinned up against the boards. Then again, if your adversary is being pinned to the boards by you, this is when you can truly put yourself in charge - provided you're the most excellent player on the arena.}